Copyright © 2006- 2025 HIP Investor Inc. All Rights Reserved. "HIP" "HIP Investor" "HIP 100" and "How HIP Is It?" are servicemarks of HIP Investor Inc. R. Paul Herman is the CEO of HIP Investor, Inc., ("HIP"), an investment adviser registered in California, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New York, and North Carolina, serving clients in other states where permitted . This website should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to sell investment advisory services except where HIP Investor, Inc. is registered or where an exemption or exclusion from such registration exists. For a full description of services and disclosures (including fees) relating to separately managed accounts at HIP, please read HIP’s Part 2A of Form ADV and Part 2B of Form ADV. Managed accounts may lose value and risk possible loss of principal.
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HIP Investor, Inc. (“HIP”) is a provider to Van Eck Associates Corporation (“Van Eck”) of proprietary research products and services, including ESG ratings, Sustainable Development Goal ratings, Opportunity Zone mapping, Climate-Threat and Resilience ratings, and Human Impact + Profit ratings (collectively, the “HIP Ratings”). HIP is the exclusive provider to Van Eck of HIP ratings and similar data used in connection with any sustainable municipal-bond ETF provided by Van Eck, including the VanEck HIP Sustainable Muni ETF.
HIP Investor, Inc. (“HIP”) receives certain fees related to the assets under management (AUM) of the VanEck HIP Sustainable Muni ETF, which creates a conflict of interest with actual and prospective clients of HIP, and biases the objectivity of HIP when discussing, evaluating, and recommending the VanEck HIP Sustainable Muni ETF to actual or prospective clients of HIP. The determination to purchase or utilize the VanEck HIP Sustainable Muni ETF is an important decision and should not be based solely upon HIP’s recommendation, guidance, or services. HIP is an independent contractor of Van Eck Associates Corporation, however HIP does not control or supervise the services or products of Van Eck Associates Corporation, and reference to the VanEck HIP Sustainable Muni ETF does not mean that HIP has performed any level of due diligence on the services or products of Van Eck Associates Corporation. Users of HIP’s website, as well as actual and prospective clients of HIP, are urged to perform their own due diligence on, or consult with a separate registered investment adviser with respect to, the VanEck HIP Sustainable Muni ETF. There is no obligation to purchase or utilize the VanEck HIP Sustainable Muni ETF.