Leader in ESG Impact Investing for 19 Years

Since 2006, HIP Investor Ratings and Data have measured future risk, return and impacts for investors, advisers, and fund managers, including our own HIP-managed higher-impact portfolios for impact investors.


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Explore 400,000 Ratings of Stocks, REITs, Muni Bonds, included in the HIP Portal, 10 Million+ Data Points are available via API & Datafeed


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HIP Investment Strategies and Portfolios 

are available on platforms such as Altruist, Goldman Sachs/Folio, Charles Schwab & Freedom Advisors, and from HIP directly

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(For Individual & Institutional Investors)

Learn the latest ways to invest impactfully

HIP has author & co-authored 2 books:
The HIP Investor
The Global Handbook of Impact Investing:

HIP Investor Ratings

HIP Impact Ratings are quantitative-based ratings to fund positive impact and optimized risk-adjusted investments.

Global Corporations
U.S. Municipal Issuers
Global Securities

How Investors Use HIP

  • We Provide Sustainability Ratings

    HIP Ratings are a useful tool for investors to fund human, social and environmental solutions — while pursuing optimal risk-adjusted returns.

  • We Design and Manage Investment Strategies

    HIP offers investors a number of investment strategies designed to seek higher financial returns with lower risk due to positive, quantifiable human, social and environmental results.

  • We Analyze and Advise on Portfolio Construction

    HIP Investor works with institutional clients and high-net worth individuals to analyze the human impact associated with their investment portfolios. 

Sign up for a free 14-day trial of the HIP Ratings portal

HIP’s new Impact Investing Portal helps you identify dirty and low/negative impact investments that can be more risky and find replacements that support our changing economy


Trends, Events, and Insights for You & Your Portfolio

Whether you are new to ESG investing or looking to stay competitive at the leading edge of the field, our collection of books, virtual events, articles, videos, and podcasts is here to support your learning goals.