The Monthly Green Jobs Report

Produced by HIP Investor Inc. and the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity, The Monthly Green Jobs Report provides a monthly analysis of the momentum towards a greener economy. The Green Jobs Report provides insights by its in-depth data analysis of sustainability data synthesized with job industry data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The sustainability data covers over 2,000 US publicly listed companies that is material to the business. The HIP Ratings, Pillars, and Metrics focus on health, wealth, earth, equality, trust, management practices and products and services. Taken together, these result in quantitative Human Impact + Profit (HIP) Ratings reflecting a measure of “green-ness” by industry.

We use this measure of greenness to categorize each industry into three groups:

  • Green Industries, with a HIP Rating from 50 (net positive) and up;
  • Extractive Industries, with HIP Rating of less than 25; and,
  • Slightly Extractive Industries, rating from above 25 to below 50 (net negative).

The Monthly Green Jobs Report is delivered monthly via webinars, with the latest available granular data on the US Economy, sustainable jobs, and worker pay.
